lunes, 2 de mayo de 2011

The internet and other addictions

Today I am going to focus on one specific Media Communication internet, it is very common to listenb people and even other types of Media Communication creating a lot of barrage about this media, It is a fact that it causes adiction in adolescence and Adults the consecuence of this addiction could be armfull for human been coussing physical and emotional damages is very urgent to create a campaign of prevention in order to moderate the avarage of addiction that this Media is causing to the majority of the population.

Student: Lucette James Francis.
Teacher: Dr. Gilberto Hernández


I realy believe, that honesty more than a policy it is a value of personality that should be found in each single person, even though there is not one single person in this earth, that never cheat that never lie maybe it was done in a direct or indirect situation but the fact is that sometimes we end up not been honest to others, on even to our own selves.
I also consider that this is a controversial topic because they are some aspects to take in account envirorment, culture, etc, there are certain situations, or actions that could be consider deshonest for some and honest for others, people like to thick of themselves as honest on the other hand, dishonesty pays, and it often poys quite well, every one even evil or good, wish to be call honest, we all have different levels of honesty and we should find the one we feel confortable living with, the biggest problem we have is being honest with ourselves. In a world where every thing is togged with the price tag, there is so much pressure on individuals, nowadays, it is all a bout me, what I want, I most get it at the detriment of others, we overweight the collective good and prosperity of others. Sadly this attitude is bringing our word in a constant state of chaos and anarchy. It`s about time we all play fair, been honest with those around us, who dont feel guilty, can sleep well and feel safer to conclude from I was a child my Grand Mother thought me “be honest and you will find honest people”.

Student: Lucette James Francis.
Teacher: Dr. Gilberto Hernández


The consequences of shyness are deeply troubling. People for whom shyness is an ongoing problem don't take advantage of social situations, date less, are less expressive verbally and nonverbally, and show less interest in other people than non-shys. Shy students, particularly if they are interacting with a socially confident person, anxiously focus on themselves rather than on the other person or the conversation. Shy individuals are frequently painfully self-conscious, and report more negative thoughts about themselves and others in social interactions, seeing themselves as inhibited, awkward, unfriendly and incompetent, particularly with people to whom they are sexually attracted. They also see themselves as less physically attractive, although research indicates that shyness is uncorrelated with observers' ratings of attractiveness. Ten to twenty percent of shy individuals may also lack basic social skills. This may mean not knowing what to say or do(content), how to do so (style), and when best to respond (timing). Objective ratings have shown that some shy individuals talk less, initiate fewer topics of conversation, avert their gazes more often, touch themselves nervously, and show fewer facial expressions. They agree more often than not, however, with non-shys about what constitutes appropriate social behavior. Their lowered likelihood of enacting social behaviors appears to be related to their lowered confidence in their ability to carry out the required behaviors, to their lack of self efficacy.

Student: Lucette James Francis.
Teacher: Dr. Gilberto Hernández