viernes, 29 de octubre de 2010



Tattoo inks are classified as cosmetics, there are a lot of people teenagers and adults that decide to make a design on their body by tattooing their self.
There are a variety of desings: animals, nature, symbols, names... there is something very important to take in acount these person are not allowed to donate blood, they have to invest a lot of money, they has to investigate the place where they are going to make the tattoo desigin that acomplish with the sanitary equipment, the injection under the skin effects are unknown.
A tattoo just take a few hours to acquiere, tattoo breaches your skin, infection and other reaction are possible, it could even turn in a source to regret.
Whenever a person decide to make a tattoo desing or any part of their body their first setp should be, go throught a resourch before getting one, protect themself from posible risk, your tattoo artist should provide you with detailed instructions on how to care, these person must avoid sun exposure for at least the first few weeaks the desing that you choose is important because it will be permanent some times it cause a lot of dissatisfaction, ofter a time you may not feel confortable with the desing e.g a prerson that decide to desing the name of their lover the relation ship could finish, on for many other reasons a person could feel unconfortable with a desing.
In some cases or for many reasons the person skin infected cause of the tattoing some of the reasons could be: antibiotic – resistant. Skin unlicensed tattoo artist, when the person dont follow control procedures. The typical signs and symptoms of infection include redness, sweeling and pus like drainage they are other type of reaction like allergic reaction: the tattoo dyes particularly red dye cause allergic skin reaction it could even occur years ofter you get tattoo.  MRI reaction: Magnetic Resonance Imagining a person with permanent eyeliner has an MRI of the eye the pigment may interfare with the quality of the image skindisorder: your body may form bumps called granulonas blood borne diseases: If the equiptment contaminated you can contract serious blood disease hepatitis B, hepatits C, tuberculosis and HIV.
They are a lot of person that mode a tattoo desing that regret it in a future you may also decide that the tattoo no longer fits your current image of that the once stylish desing has become dated, tattoo are meant to be permanent, so their complete remoral is difficult. There are some remoral techniques that exist. They are options but even these techniques doesnt guarantee complete removal a tattoo is permanent and requires careful and clear thin king so it doesn`t become a source to regret.  Many person go trough a painful process to dissapear the desingm but still they dont get to dissapear the design completety.
They are some precartion to protect your self if you decide to make a tattoo desing on your skin, state local license choose reputable tattoo studio that`s clean.
An autoclave: the machine sould desinfected fresh equipment the needle should be remoue before procedure begin gloves: the tattoo artist most use fresh pair of gloves.
Make sure you are in a clear state of mind and nut under the influence of drug or alcohol. I remember when my mother went throug sugery I gare her blood the same with my sister for 2 years every 3 months, I donate blood at the Calderon Hospital.
To conclude I will never make a tatto desing or recomended one as a matter of fact all these donation of blood would never be possible if I had a tattoo desing.

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